
Showing posts from March, 2019

Thoughts on the Business Intelligence Course Overview by Mina Jafarijoo

This past Monday (3/12/19) I attended a short presentation talking about Business Intelligence (BI) Systems. It was a brief overview, but still addressed many key ideas. The first question asked was why would organizations need BI Systems? Well, the whole idea of BI Systems are to promote effective data driven decision making. In order to do this, companies must focus on these four values/strategies: Quality Data Data Modeling Data Analysis Data Presentation & Visualization The components in a BI System are: Data ASource Data Repository OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) System  Data Analysis Visualization Companies need to develop four types of BI capabilities to implement data driven decision making: BIC#1: Data Cleaning and Integration Capability BIC#2: Data Warehousing Capablity BIC#3: Analytical Capability BIC#4: Visualization and Intelligence Delivery Capability Overall, I enjoyed this presentation very much. Organizing data in order to effect...

Discussion Questions - Ch. 5

What does HHI index mean? Which industries are relatively less competitive? Why? The HHI Index is a measure of size of firms compared to the industry and how much competition is amongst them.  Increase in HHI mean a decrease in competition while increasing market power, and the opposite is vice-versa. Based on your answer to part 1, which type of market structure has higher advertising expenditures? Use the characteristics of each market structure to explain why this relationship might exist. Movie studios & restaurants need to spend more on advertising based on the fact that they have a lower HHI number. Vice versa, cereal and laundry detergent companies would have to spend less. Higher the HHI, lower advertising costs. Identify an industry of your interest and calculate HHI using the marketing share data online. For instance, if you were to calculate HHI for the ecommerce industry, you could use search queries like “ online ecommerce competition amazon eBay.” The ...